Aqua Care, a home use skin care device
Picking out sebum and wastes in the pore
Giving moisturizing and nutrient for skin refreshing
Aqua Care, a home skincare device pulling
out sebum and bodily wastes thoroughly
and filling fully with moisture and nutrients
Reset the age through whitening,
elasticity and anti-wrinkle enhancement
Skin Curling,
a skincare device putting back the skin age
Method for restoring the swollen face
to the original state very speedily!
Derma Cool, a real cooling therapy
lowering the skin temperature
Skin Curling, a cute skin care device
Improving of brightening,
elasticity and anti-wrinkle for your face
Returning your skin to young
Derma Cool, a handy cooling skin care device
Restoring the swollen face to the original state
Rapid cooling effect for your skin
Home skincare & aesthetic
Beauty DeviceHome skincare & aesthetic
The best Devicemetic
CosmeticThe best Devicemetic
Partnership Development Work
OEM&ODMPartnership Development Work
Beauty Device & Cosmetic Development
Company InfoBeauty Device & Cosmetic Development
Creative & Innovation Product
Certification & AwardCreative & Innovation Product
Video clip & promotional materials
ArchiveVideo clip & promotional materials
With Beauty Co., Ltd is a beauty device and cosmetic
company pursuing development of differentiated
product and considering product integrity.
We will make efforts for providing the best service
with meeting your eye level and listening to you
at all times.
Creative!, if it's not, we won't make it!
"Provide a special experience"
With Beauty has focused on development of beauty device and contributed to meeting personal desire for beauty through simplifying the complicated skincare routine
"Talk about our intensive devotion to a product"
Beginning from our future dream not yet to be realized, we think out an idea no one has thought of before and we believe we can make the best product
"OEM/ODM system"
Based on on-time delivery and reasonable prices, With Beauty continues to make efforts for securing excellent R&D personnel and technology to realize bigger potentiality in domestic and overseas market
"Beauty Device"
'With Beauty aims to lead personal beauty device market through development of products armed with high quality and highly competitive design
With Beauty Co., Ltd aims to develop high quality and good products causing no irritation to the skin. In addition, beginning with special cosmetics for beauty device (Devicemetic) creating synergy effect through combination of beauty device, our company is developing a new paradigm for cosmetic market
"R&D Center"
Our technology research and development institute aiming for the first and the best in beauty device and cosmetics area has creating its continuous growth based on ceaseless challenging and creating
Through branding and ODM/OEM business, our technology and creativity are recognized in beauty market.
We provide one-stop solution for all processes from development of product concept to delivery to end users
So far, it has won 60 patents,
certifications and design awards.
It is the average lead time for creating a
With Beauty product.
Creative!, if it's not, we won't make it!